Thursday, August 31, 2006

2A CLASS OUTING - hosted by monitor, Nattarat

Date : Monday/Thursday
Venue : Orchard Road
Movie : Monster house. {subject to timing and majority vote}
Time : not sure


Who sits next to you?
Michelle Leong

Who sits infront of you?

Who's on your left?
Michelle Leong

Who are your bestfriends in class?
Liyan, Weizheng, Michelle

Who's the most shy?
Nicholas or Eduardo

Cutest guy
in looks, Eduardo. Character, Dexter

Cutest girl

Kylie {yes kylie, you are pretty. dun deny the fact :D}, Liyan, dorcas

Most annoying
Bryan Seetoh

Brightest of all
Xian Jin

Dexter Lee

If you could live one of your friend's life, whowould it be ?
Joel Soh.

Your favourite teacher?

Favourite subject?

Who's your class monitor? How's he/she?
Nattarat and Kylie. Nattarat does duty but Kylie doesn't make a difference lol.

Who's the class asst. monitor? How's she/he?
Shervin and Dorcas. no difference to the class. doesn't even wear badge.

Who's the class treasurer? How's he/she?
Dun have

Your class teacher is...
Miss Reena the mena.

Your class...

Do you love your class?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


i don't think i will be doing much during the holidays. feel so lazy to do anything. something's wrong with me. no mood do anything. whole day at home do nothing. although today i did go to dover for like 1 hour or so to take books to study.

so bored so bored so bored. i'm gonna die soon totally.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

today i didn't go school. i was caught with a slight fever. but i didnt go doctor also. miss reena won't care also rather save that money.

i'll be going for the teachers day celebration. damn but i really dun want go. ughh lets see, maybe i wouldn't go. but for the teacher's sake, i may go. but don't think i visiting primary school teachers. i think the staff room would be packed with all the former-primary school people.

school is beginning to suck, ALOT. one reason is because of grades, and one reason is because the life in school now is totally different. i duno la maybe i'm too sensitive to the surrounding?! or how ever you call that.

after the holidays would be the exam period. damn scared duno how would i fare also. maybe i would just faint and die and drop to NA. and my parents will kill me and i will faint and die.

Monday, August 28, 2006

somebody hacked into my account and changed the address?! wth who would ever be so lame to do that. i can just go in my account and change it back. stupid dumb ass.

i don't feel like going to school tomorrow. its just so boring. damn there's also LIT test and have to hand up scrapbook. gahh i just want to go school because of the Math. i need to buck up on my Math i have C5?! what kind of grade it that. Mr.Ho's teaching linear graph. i'm gonna die if i miss that lesson.

i need tuition, despearately! lets see my grades for this term :
English : D7 (could pass by 0.5 mark!)
Maths : C5
Chinese : C5 (whooo-hoooo!!!)
Science : B3 (finally one B!)
Home Econs : C5 (how can i?! home econs is chicken!!)

the rest haven't get back yet. LIR4 = 24. i'm still missing 1 subject and i have 24?! my god! thats like my lowest ever. ever ever in my whole entire life. i need to mug hard! hard hard hard!!

"wa why your face so many pimples . must be sarah kiss you one time pop out one more" quoted from alcinda to junming


Saturday, August 26, 2006

i have decided something. to be happy and no matter what happens, THINK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. the grass is always greener on the other side :D

happiness is the key to enjoying your life. these few days bad mood cause what happened. now its kinda solved and i had a talk with my dad loh. yuppp he should be going. and so now im a happy person and from today onwards till forever, i will stay happy!

the bad side is he won't be with us. but! the happy side is he can help people. yay! i am damn proud of my dad.

3 more days to holiday, 3-4 more weeks to exam {i think?}, 6 more weeks to end-of-year holiday. i'm starting to miss my class already. maybe next year most of us will still be together? i duno. it depends on how we do and what subject we take. i hope my P6, Sec 1 & 2 classes will somehow combine and have abit of each class. it would be damn fun then.

i haven't been studying much. so i have decided to bring my books home for the holiday and i'm gonna mug until i die. nobody can change my mind! yeahh!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

i just realised something from cassandra. when my dad is gone, i would be like 16-17. he won't be there for my O's. thats the time i need him the most.

i just had a discussion with huiqing. we were talking about this.

if i were you and my dad had to go, i would never let him
but it would be selfish for us to not let him go
it is also selfish for him to go there and leave you all
but i think it would be "less" selfish is we let him go.
but he would still be selfish

so basically the whole convesation is about being selfish.

i think my dad's going through a hard time deciding where to go. my mom said he was the best guy for the job as he has experience, worked in the army before and is calm. i am very sure that in the whole world confirm got 1 more person is like my dad. why must he be the one. why can't my family be like other families having parents by your side. its just so unfair. why can't they find someone who doesn't have a family. single and unattached. it would be so much for him and his loved ones.

i feel that i'm getting too stressed over this matter. almost every post is about this. but i really feel that its unfair.

i think i let my feelings control me. its like today i wasn't really in a good mood and i got pissed off at someone and is still pissed and that person now i think is pissed with me?! i duno. i just know my life isn't that perfect anymore.

// feeling :: extremely sad
// prayer for :: my father

My dad came to talk to me when I was on the phone. He said...that he was asked to go back to East Timor again.

I can't imagine how I would feel - how my Mom would feel - if he were to accept it.He has a choice.

But its an honor to him as an ex-commandant. It would be selfish if he would reject it for us.I would hate to see him leave. Danielle was crying just now. I think maybe its because my father told her he was leaving too.

One year in 2003 was enough for us and my mom. Now if he accepts, he'll go for one year or more.I remember when he last went. I got used to not having a father. It was horrible. I got so used to it that when he came back, I took it as if he was still overseas, and wished he stayed there.

Now I dont want him to go because I'm afraid that would happen again.I wish they never approached him. How much would my Mom miss him?..

One year that time was almost unbearable for her. She came to us almost every night saying she missed him. Now that I'm closer to him, I dont want to imagine how much I'd miss him each night too.

It feels as if he's agreed to go. He still has a choice. But I can tell he wants to go. I'll miss him so much if he does.

sister posted it in her blog. the whole family is like under depression because of this. but for me i realise that i need him more now. its too late loh.

i just cried again. in the middle of the canteen. cassandra and michelle were talking about it. so just started thinking about it again loh.

he's gonna be gone for 2 years leh. or maybe 3 years. yesterday my mom said she will be worse than us cause at least we go to school but she come home nobody to talk to and all that. i really wish he wouldn't have to go. but wad to do. he have to help people. that time the british also come singapore help singaporeone. cannot be selfish! yes!tell myself that.

not gonna post much. the school key board space bar spoil. go home then post more.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

today home econs the roti john successful. my sister tried and she said it was nice. muahah Mrs Tan also said nice. but the first part we were screaming and shouting as we did everything wrongly. we didnt plan or even try lah. we are the best man lol.

my dad just talked to me. he told me about the situation in East Timor. and so i think he would go there. its better for him to help them than to stay at home and just work and doing nothing interesting. i duno when he's going anw. well its just a fact that i have to accept loh.

he just showed me and my sister the slide show that he made 2 years ago after he came back. now i feel better. my dad told me about their mission and what they did. they had peace for 3 years then they started fighting again. ass! because of that my dad has to go back now. can't they just have peace so that dad's don't have to leave. rage only harms you.

i think i will break down again today. the thought of it just makes me so stressed up in life. yesterday i even had a dream that made me even more stressed. i dream that vincent tan talked to me. VINCENT TAN! its stupid lah. i really could like see him talk to me. but he asked me nonsensical questions like "where's your mother", "how many sister you have" all those related to family. i was like first day you know me?! lol its a dream so everything can happen. i kinda hope it would never happen. cause talking to him would screw my life. ughh dun care about him anymore. but the dream made me realise he had more pimples and isn't that cute anymore with the pimples. i shall buy for him a facial wash for his birthday next year.

gonna cook ROTI JOHN today. doesn't it sound yummy to you. hahahah i bet it would be yummy

yesterday my dad told me something. or maybe talked to me. this is how it went

dad : danielle. can i talk to you for a second
me : yeah
dad : my company asked me to go to east timor for some peace keepings. but its not on behalf of the army but the company.
me : how long?
dad : 2-3 years

and i started crying!! i feel like crying now. i miss my daddy so much la. i dun want him to go again. later time he went there for so long loh he wasn't at home. i dun want him to go. then after a while he came back in the room

dad : are you okay? i haven't said yes yet and i can reject it. if you dun want me to go then i will reject it

i just kept crying and crying. didnt reply him.
well, at least he talked to me about it. but if he wants to go then i let him go loh. but i really dun want him to go.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

boring boring boring.

today went lan. liyan taught me how to play cz. rather fun. brought back memories. hahah. last time played cs with my dad. then i had the gun and we started shooting and it would be super fun.but now the gun spoiled and we seldom get to spend time in dover or even as a family.

speaking of family reminds me of the chapel talk. about relationship with parents. i realy miss my mummy and daddy loh. suddenly i miss them. they're not home now. feel like calling them. i'm getting crazy la. wanting to do stupid stuffs.

tomorrow home ec me and liyan gonna die. today bought last minute ingredients. i paid cause liyan no money. then the rest of the onion blah blah gonna bring school tomorrow. i scared spoil. i dun think i will be reaching school early also. and by the time the meat i think spoil already and Mrs Tan will have diarrea. yay! :D

hotang had diarrea after eating famous amos cookies. who would have diarrea after eating famous amos cookies. its the most delicious cookies on the earth. haa he ate it on a empty stomach. maybe thats the reason. but i dun think soo. ahh who cares i dun think famous amos would keep 1 year old cookies bah.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

MUSICAL :D, 19th aug

the musical was rather nice. not bad lah can do =/ heheh. well i took damn long to decide what to wear. and michelle chia came over to help. luckily she was there to help or else i really duno what to do. in the end my outfit was rather successful at least i didnt look disastrous.

saw thousands of people. and you know wad, amy tripped during the show! 0.o hahah but she tripped and still carried on. at least she didnt like run back stage. phew thats lucky lol or else it will seriously be funny.

SHOPPING DAY :D, 20th aug

went shopping today with my mummy. went to china town. quite successful. bought 2 belts, 1 necklace and a top. almost bough a skirt and a top but it way too expensive so decided to let it go. so heart breaking. especially the top it was so nice! ugh.


i watch finish already. can you believe it. ugh but the ending was quite lame. it was the wedding of a forensic pathologist and a forensic crew. and so the octb and forensic people were there. then suddenly, *beep* their pagers rang and there was a new case. but they didnt show the case thought. everybody left the place and they were walking to the crime scene. so cool la! its like so many and i didnt know there were so many and yet there were so many you know. i don't think you know. never mind.

oh man i miss the show. i wanna watch again. damn. oh yeah! and the last case was about the kidnap of the leader of forensic. the kidnapper was a clown! wth now im having nightmares of clowns. it was damn scary the way the clown like so everything and so. its damn freaky la. grrr im gonna stay away from clowns my whole life!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

IT we get to do everything we want! muahas.

yesterday zeng scolded like crap. me, huiqing and cassandra was standing outside in one row and like so many teachers walked pass. even mr. ho today in class ask huiqing why she was outside the staff. hahah he didnt ask me. maybe he didnt see me? duno.

we get extra training for 2 training days. zeng is mad la. monday want us to stay until 630. go die la. we cant run continuously for 1 hour bah. somemore plus own training. we will die a horrible death.

huiqing is next to me.

"haha huiqing rocks! :D i know danielle agrees with me right?"


hahah nobody respond so danielle rocks the most!

{ huiqing 's blood is currently flowing out from her chit } and john is afraid of menses! cause he's red!! but huiqing keeps describing to him how it feels like. he say why cannot use for the whole time. "why not wash it and dry it." said by huiqing. like wth john is stupid to ask such a question. hahahha JOHN IS DUMB! and john says "am i dumb?" which makes him dumber!

this computer keyboard is the suckiest keyboard ever on living planet earth. so herd to type. keep typing wrong.

i'm getting bored. i duno what to do for another hour. duno why at home so many things to do but in school, there's basically nothing

Monday, August 14, 2006

1. SINGAPORE: When you rearrange the letters: Pa Ignores

2. ESPLANADE: When you rearrange the letters: Need a Slap

3. REMAKING SINGAPORE: When you rearrange the letters: Meek Pairs Groaning

4. TEMASEK: When you rearrange the letters: Takes ‘Em

6. THE STRAITS TIMES: When you rearrange the letters: Me? Stir State shit?

5. JACK NEO: When you rearrange the letters: Can Joke

6. GOVERNMENT SCHOLAR: When you rearrange the letters: Oh, Clever, Strong Man!

7. RAFFLES HOTEL: When you rearrange the letters: Lethal Offers

8. PARADE: When you rearrange the letters: Dear Pa

9. NATIONAL SERVICEMEN: When you rearrange the letters: I’m a Nice Lone Servant.

10. ISTANA: When you rearrange the letters: I, Satan

11. EVANGELIST: When you rearrange the letters: Evil’s Agent

12. MALAYSIAN: When you rearrange the letters: A Sly Mania

13. EDUCATION MINISTRY: When you rearrange the letters: Misery at Induction

14. SINGAPOREAN MINISTERS: When you rearrange the letters: Pain? Misers to Resign!

15. CHANGI AIRPORT: When you rearrange the letters: A Hiring Trap Co.

16. MEDIACORP: When you rearrange the letters: Me? I Do Crap.

17. SINGTEL: When you rearrange the letters: Gets Nil.

i now adays no mod. mood swing sia.

nothing's going right.

stupid day. ass day. suck day. lousy day.

the stupid letter. started making the day suck. ugh i hope i didn't have such lousy memory and i wont forget to take the letter an 2H wouldn't read it and li yan getting angry and vincent pissed me off and i started to hate vincent more and the whole thing just suck la. gah!

i had a small tiny little weeney quarrel with jun?! i duno is it a quarrel anot but to me, it is.

DANIELLE : D says:
at least change to juming la. jUn jUnN
DANIELLE : D says:
super er xin. lol
jUnN-` Status : l0ving and missing her x) says:
i like how 0.o lols
jUnN-` Status : l0ving and missing her x) says:
no mood joke with you
DANIELLE : D says:
i also no mood now.
DANIELLE : D says:
ahh then dun talk la
jUnN-` Status : l0ving and missing her x) says:
lax lah =.= .
DANIELLE : D says:
DANIELLE : D says:
i never say anything ?

jUnN-` Status : l0ving and missing her x) says:
say until i like de jui u =.=
DANIELLE : D says:
-.- got meh
DANIELLE : D says:

ahh duno whats wrong. calvin ting pissed me off too. i was so pissed that i closed the conversation. but it went something like this.

calvin : help me create blogskin can?
me : go then find a skin
calvin : you help me find lah. like that must as well not help
me : i duno wad you like. all the skins girly one
calvin : find something dark dark one.
me : go to the left and type black in the search there.
calvin : where got? you help me lah
me : you do yourself la. i help you do code
calvin :i no mood now lah. forget it you help must as well dun help
me : you think you only one no mood meh. people give you face help you leh.
me : wads so good about her man. making me pissed over nothing
me : (i gave him one blogskin) see you want anot
calvin : dun want lah. no mood to do lah.

didnt reply loh. who cares about
him. ass. make my mood worser.

cherie is in the hospital. no wonder didnt see her for so long. so sad. amanda's going tomorrow. i wanna see cherie but i just have to mood to go with amanda? i mean, she's weird. acting so nice to me, then ignoring me. i mean you will never know what she's thinking. ugh.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

gah! im just so depressed all of a sudden. i need something to do. seriously.


everybody's living in their own world. especially that stupid vincent tan and siew junming. no matter how many times i say I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH VINCENT TAN, they two just keep thinking im fantasizing over vincent tan like the way siew junming fantasizes over sarah kwan. siew junming and sarah kwan, never man. its the same as me and vincent tan, NEVER. so just stop thinking of me and him. PLEASE! and vincent tan and jacqueline are 7 months and 1 day. i think if thats what i remember. and its not i bother to count, that siew junming told me.

i just watched {my big fat obnoxious boss}. that boss is what i call, irritating. he is basically negative of what everybody does. he is making their lives hell! you win the competition, the prize is you get to sleep on money BUT DUN GET TO KEEP IT. and you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep on paper. omg what kind of reward is this?! and the losers get to spend a night in the junk yard with tents. i think that is more comfortable than sleeping on money especially when you cant keep it. talk about temptation -.-

i'm having a tummy ache. i think the computer radiation is killing my eggs. the labtop is on my tummy. gosh! i have to move again after getting into such a comfortable position. damn!

the incredible hulk is just stupid. its stupidest comic ever! but the creator can think leh. he said the first thing a super hero would do is not buy a costume. so, he made a hulk. at first it was grey in color but the printer couldn't keep the color so it changed to green :D YAY! IT BECAME THE INCERDIBLE HULK , green in color.

"the angrier he gets, the bigger he gets. but that doesn't mean better. so call HAPPY-HULK {42779-4855} and stand a chance to win (i didnt hear)"

ii just read a tag b0ard. sh0meone p0stedd a c0mment and the bl0gskiiner rejected it and asked herr tuuh take up engliishh less0ns. hahax. ubber funniie ((x

i love my blogskin. don't you love it? masquerade. but who knows what it means anw. but the mask is super nice! i wanna own one of that. muahahah and i shall personalise my own masquerade skin. :D yay! lol

i wanna change hotmail add. i mean it sounds stupid. i created it when i was p5, wad do you expect. maybe i will change it. but its just too troublesome. add all over again. maybe i will create or or . ahh its stupid -.- i cant think right now. when i have inspiration then i will create a new one.

when is the stupid vcd coming? im going crazy over it. i keep seeing the episode 1-15 disc. i hope i will see 16-30. or maybe there is only 20. duno i just wanna see the number 16.

i duno what to wear during the musical. i haven bought a dress yet. just cant find a nice one. maybe i will wear a skirt. but i duno what top matches the skirt. its a red skirt. gah! im going mad about this musical. its this saturday. omg its like so near yet so far?

eye of gold ; thigh of blue ; true or false ; who is who?

i am 80% childish. OMGWTHBBQ!!

[x]Sleep with a stuffed animal
[x] Eat sugary cereal for breakfast
[x] Watch Saturday Morning cartoons
[x] Are afraid of the dark
[ ] Love the color pink
[ ] Never get in fights with your parents
[ ] Think ice cream for lunch is perfectly reasonable
[x] Hug often
[x] Cry about stupid things
[x] Use the "sad eyes" on your parents
[ ] Have a goldfish as a pet
[x] Wear slippers
[ ] Are attracted to shiny objects
[x] Think happy faces are cute
[x] Sometimes answer the phone by saying, "Yellow?"
[ ] Pick your nose
[ ] Shower less than three times a week
[ ] sumtimes Take bubble baths
[ ] Have a furby
[x] Think it is fun to catch bugs
[ ] Know how to take the stinger out of a bee
[ ] Use a lifejacket when you go swimming
[ ] Make daisy necklaces/bracelets when yougo to the park
[x] Love the game 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'
[x] Listen to Britney Spears and N*Sync
[x] Watch Spongebob Squarepants
[x] Dream about going to amusement parks
[x] when im bored. i Like these surveys
Now count up all your x's and multiply it by 5.type " I am ___% childish "

i decided to take away the password :D

ass! the vcd's didnt come. got new show still have to wait. the new show is those shanghai old old one. sian ah! I WANT FORENSIC HEROES!! gahh. the world is so boring without it. hais.'

these few days i sleep alot. alot alot. duno why. maybe because im sick. i got flu though. no appetite to eat/do anything. sianz ahhhh. i just wanna drop dead and die. die die die. then forensics will come examine my body see is it commit suicide or people murder. YAY! but singapore one lousy like anything. go hongkong and ask someone to murder me`:D hahahah.

junming keeps saying me and vincent. gah! there's nothing going on between me and him. he's cute. so? i dun have anything to do with him anymore.

junming is a pervertic ass hole. his mind is non-stop sick. and he has 3 sarah kwan's photo in his phone. i bet he everyday look at it and pcc one. pervertic. hokkien so pro. bet he go geylang then the girls there teach him one.

im becoming sick because of that bastard junming. whole day talk

Saturday, August 12, 2006

YAY! :D its saturday.

its gonna be boring. i watch finish the show already. the rest of the disc haven come yet. the last disc i have stopped at the most exciting part lah all the evidence finding new leads. ass! i wanna know what happen :/

the OCTB kowloon west madam the uncle got murdered. so far they suspected 5 people. but 3 of them got alibi and some evidence dun point at them. so they are cleared. 2 left! the uncle's fengshui master and the mistress of the uncle. lalalalalala this case so nice. the uncle deserved to die man! he go frame the brother. and now HE'S DEAD! muahahahahahah.

one case just finish. the culprit damn smart leh! cause he kidnap the police then rape the girl infront of him. then when the police let himself free {cause the police is smart} then fight with the guy. when the police team found them, the police got stabbed already and he died! then the culprit still say the police want frame him say that he stab the police for self-defence and its the police that wanted to rape the girl. its like damn perfect la his story. but too bad there is always justice. forensics found plastic bags {which is the murder weapon} in his house. then still got saliva. they take the DNA then its matches with the deceased. MUAHA! he cannot deny. so, he got caught. YAY! :D

i feel like watching again. oh man! its damn nice. i cant wait for the other disc to come. and i shall go on a watching vcd spree!!

i duno wad to do. i duno wad to do. got another set of vcd's. but its stupid one lol those no meaning family thing. forensics heroes {the name of the show} is so much nicer :D of course. forensic people rock!

never mind la i go watch show. got the cake show. then got healing hands 3. hehehehe WHEE! HONGKONG SHOWS ROCK.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

past two days is themost boringest holiday i ever had! oh man i basically did nothing except watch tv, play computer, sleep and eat.

my nainai borrowed new hongkong serial vcd yay!:D i watched until episode 11. then my nainai want watch her show, so i let her. maybe i will continue at 8pm. muahas. the show is just damn nice. about forensics cid thingy. its actually called OCTB. i duno why also. but the department is called OCTB KOWLOON CITY :D hahah. the show is damn cool. so far they solved 3 cases. its like damn cool lah. would never have thought about it.

the funniest case was this guy, is a play boy. and he was killed cause earlier he fell down an escalator then got blood clot. but after that, he got whacked by 4 different woman. 3 of them is the girlfriend and 1 of them is the girlfriend mother. all at different time. lols the police find find, found 1 person. then find again, found another person. then find again, then found the third person. then find again, found the fourth person. in the end, the cause of his death was the escalator. the case is damn stupid. hahah but its damn funny lah. so many people linked to it.

they damn pro. they found SKELETONS at the sewage, think think think look at evidence, STILL CAN FIND THE CULPRIT! they are the best man. its just skeletons leh. wah lao lols.

i want be in the forensics department when i grow up. using all the chemicals so cool! then can solve cases and work with CID. but singapore forensics are so not cool?! hongkong and us are so much cooler lah. singapore no style one. saw the crime watch. not fascinating at all. its like so easy to find lah. hongkong one they think and think then go here go there and solve the case.

my mummy ask me when i want buy dress. she say go tonigh but no mood la -.- lols so maybe i take money from her and go shopping :D but like that like you know scared no money. go with her better got credit card. muaha! but she always not free one. maybe this weekend loh. its next week already leh aiya! dun feel like going. bleahh.

i dun want go school tomorrow. ugh wanna watch more vcd's :D heheh. i can spend my whole day watching man!!! if only i can do that everyday. hais school sucks la.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

today went to orchard road. didn't want to go actually felt abit out of place. it was mag, ian, shawn, bao, amanda and alcinda. me and alcinda felt out of place. but in the end still got talk la.

baoyue birthday got ALOT of presents. 3 balloons, 3 stalks of fake flowers, 1 stalk of real flowers, 4 BIG soft toys and 1 bottle of hearts made by the very own keifer lee :D alot right. she the best man. walk in orchard road duno how many people stare at her hahah. then amanda holding the cupcake balloon, suddenly ~FLY AWAY~ baoyue cry leh. it was from glen tan. lols it was seriously damn funny lah everybody was looking lol.

tried 1 dress today. it costs $70, forever 21 shop. i like the dress but the problem is ITS DAMN FREAKING LONG. its below my knee -.- way way below. but the top part looks nice :D hahah couldn't find any more. saw one very very very very nice one. but it costs $228. i die first then say whether can buy anot. but its dam nice. have ribbon at the top then its just a plain dress. didnt dare to try it though. its so expensive.



Sunday, August 06, 2006

created a photoblog :D click here to go to it.

Friday, August 04, 2006


[ ] you own a jersey
[ ] you like being sweaty
[ ] you love mud
[X] you've played at least one sport on a team
[X] you've played more than 1 sport for fun
[ ] you hate pink
[ ] you love hoodies and jeans
[X]pranks are fun
[ ]dogs are better than cats
[ ]its funny when people get hurt
Total = 3

[ ] shopping is torture
[ ]pulling heads off dolls isnt creepy..its fun
[ ]u dont cry
[ ] sad movies suck
[X] girl drama is stupid
[ ] painting your nails is weird/stupid
[ ] you own a ps2
[ ] you own an xbox
[ ] you own a gamecube
[ ] at some point in time you wanted to be afirefighter
[ ] you own a psp
Total = 1

[ ] you used to be obsessed with power rangers
[ ] you watch sports center
[X] you watch sports on tv sometimes
[ ] gorey movies are the best!
[ ] you arent scared of anything
[ ] you take part in "male bonding"
[ ] you only go to your dad for advice
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball caps
[ ] you aren't sensitive
[X] no pain no gain
Total = 2

[ ]you like going to football games
[x] night games rock
[ ] spiders and bugs are cool
[ ] you like to freak out your sister or brother
[ ] you used to or do collect baseball cards
[ ] baggy pants are cool
[ ] you get sports illustrated/other sports/ guymagazine
[ ] fire is cool
[ ] you don't babysit
[ ] you're immature
Total = 1

[ ]its kinda weird to have sleepovers with abunch of people
[ ]green black red or blue or silver are yourfavorite color(s)
[ ] romantic comedies are boring
[ ] you hate dressing up
[ ] you dont care about your hair
[ ] you love to go crazy and not care what peoplethink
[x] climbing is fun
[x] contact sports like basketball are fun
Total = 2

Now add the numbers up x2 and re-post withyourscore as:"I'm 18% guyish"

[x] you wear lip gloss.(sometimes)
[x] you shop
[ ]you wear eyeliner
[x] you buy different colored shirts
[ ] you wear halters and tube tops
total: 3

[ ] you dont like shopping at hot topic
[x] you wear the color pink
[ ]you consider cheerleading a sport
[ ] you hate wearing the color black
[x] you love hanging at the mall
total: 2

[x] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[x] you like wearing jewelery
[x] skirts are a part of your wardrobe
[x] you take a long time doing your hair
[x] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies(provided money)
total: 5

[x]you hate the movie star wars
[x] you cry in movies
[ ] you are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics, ordance
[x] it takes you more than 1/2 hour to getdressed and put on other accesories
[x] you smile a lot more than u should
total: 4

Add them up, multiply them by 5, and post as "i am 70% GIRL-ISH

today, screwed -.- not so lah. but abit duno also. no mood to do anything. i'm never gonna go out with junming ever again okay. he got attitude prob one leh. first go invite vincent then later i walk away la cause got misunderstanding between me and him wad. then later he not happy. after that i decided to dun care so i just talk normally to everybody. after that at swiss hotel vincent and junming were like sitting so far away got two seats for them they dun want sit. then later they go eat then they go bugis. then sarah phone no batt then she with me. keep calling my phone asking for her. never say thank you or wad. he just say "can pass the phone to sarah pleasr" like wah lao. its not in a very nice tone leh. damn freaking pissed =.=

then its like i already told vincent nothing is going on. I DUN LIKE HIM . he still like dun want look at me. he didn't even look at me ONCE the whole day. i turn only he will also turn or look down. wats the problem lah. i dun like him. its settled. can't he just understand that simple sentence?!

amanda keeps saying we pangseh her. its who go with mag they all dun even talk to us. we are with the normal group lah. she ownself say she feel weird with us. then become we pangseh her. she dun want come with us one lah. in school see us like see air like that dun even care. then that day bao got choir then june went home. she want stay in school wait for her brother. then suddenly so nice to chia leh. cause she want chia to stay with her. then me and alcinda nice nice decided to be ncie and go meet them. amanda didnt even look at us. like keep looking down. i mean on wednesday i was with her and she still talk lah. its she dun want talk to us then she keep saying you all dun go with me then dun talk to me then i feell weird. wth?! agh.

she has a problem with alcinda lah. but its so obvious that she's jealous of alcinda. actually i'm abit jealuos also. when ever i go out with her, before i meet her i find my dressing it looks okay. but when i meet her, she's just do hot and i feel that my dressing is the suckiest of the suckiest. aiya duno lah its not alcinda's fault also. i mean duno lah!! getting so stressed because of today. lead to so many problems. RAHH! BAD DAY MAN!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

today i duno whats wrong with amanda. she didnt even talk to me?! like i ask her question must ask her 2-3 times then will answer one. its like wth la. gah. one moment treat me so nice, another moment treat me like shit?! like wth. ah! not gonna care. lols

wheee~ going out tomorrow. with duno who also. should be me, alcinda, yunhui &friends, jun& friends, liyan. wengyew they all tomorrow then say. but i dun think they will be going loh. their minds only got lan. tomorrow asking kylie & gang to come along. but duno they will come anot. watching click :D but i wanna watch tokyo drift ): but alcinda promised me national day watch toyko drift. WHIPEEE. i think if we watching click then junming they all wont come with us already. but i wanna see sarah kwan. see how she acts :/

msn cannot sign in. got trouble with proxy settings. and web messenger they keep saying password wrong. i try every single account. even other people account -.- cant be all change password right. my one also. even tried around with the password. stupid. cannot sign in. wth lah!

okay okay okay. lalala. people people people. hello hello hello. im im im. gonna gonna gonna. talk talk talk. in in in . three three three. words words words. i i i. feel feel feel. so so so. lame lame lame. im im im. just just just. so so so. bored bored bored. heheh heheh heheh.

{i never knew she could dance like this. she makes a man wanna speak spanish~}
im in love with hips don't lie. i duno why. the song just rocks to the core. whipee! :D hahah.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006



guess what. today i was with amanda. but surprisingly, it was me june bao and amanda, but amanda didn't pangseh me. she talked to me leh. surprised?! maybe she knows already. but with them, i duno lah suddenly feel so comfortable. but i dun feel comfortable with baoyue. hahah i still dun like her. today she treat amanda like shit leh. ask amanda help her take care of wallet. then we going tiong already then go find baoyue. she got choir. then like baoyue dun even care leh. aiya i also duno. i'm in no position to say this.

oh man. i'm feeling stupid now. lols. duno lah got weird feeling?!